
people think that the best way to reduce pollution is for individuals to change their own behaviour. Others believe that governments should be responsible for reducing pollution. Discuss both sides and give your opinion

Many people think that the best way to reduce pollution is for individuals to change their own behaviour. Others believe that governments should be responsible for reducing pollution. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Model Answer 1:-

Reducing pollution is a pressing issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. On one hand, some argue that individuals must take responsibility for their actions and change their behavior in order to reduce pollution. This could include actions such as reducing energy consumption, using public transportation, or recycling. By making small changes to their daily lives, individuals can contribute to a reduction in pollution levels.

On the other hand, others argue that it is the responsibility of governments to take the lead in reducing pollution. This could include implementing laws and regulations to limit pollution from industries, investing in clean energy sources, and promoting sustainable practices. Governments also have the resources and authority to enforce these policies and make a significant impact on pollution levels.

In my opinion, both sides have valid points. Individuals must take responsibility for their actions and make changes to reduce their own impact on pollution. However, governments also have a crucial role to play in reducing pollution on a larger scale. It is important for governments to implement policies and regulations that will limit pollution from industries and promote sustainable practices. Additionally, governments should also provide education and resources for individuals to reduce their own impact on pollution.

Ultimately, reducing pollution requires a collective effort from individuals, governments, and industries. By working together, we can make significant progress in reducing pollution and creating a cleaner and more sustainable future

Model Answer 2:

Another approach to this question could be:

Reducing pollution is a critical issue that requires a combination of individual and government action. On one hand, individuals have a role to play in reducing pollution by changing their own behaviour. This could include actions such as using reusable bags, turning off lights when leaving a room, or using public transportation. By making small changes in their daily lives, individuals can contribute to reducing pollution levels.

On the other hand, governments also have a crucial role to play in reducing pollution. This could include implementing laws and regulations to limit pollution from industries, investing in clean energy sources, and promoting sustainable practices. Governments also have the resources and authority to enforce these policies and make a significant impact on pollution levels.

In my opinion, both sides are important in reducing pollution. While individuals can take steps to reduce their own impact on pollution, governments need to establish policies that will address pollution on a larger scale. It is important for governments to implement regulations and laws that limit pollution from industries and promote sustainable practices. Furthermore, governments need to educate and provide resources for individuals to reduce their own impact on pollution.

In conclusion, reducing pollution requires a collaborative effort between individuals and governments. By working together, we can make progress in reducing pollution and creating a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Model 3:-

Another approach to this question could be:

The question of who should be responsible for reducing pollution has long been a topic of debate. On one hand, some argue that individuals should take responsibility for their actions and change their behavior in order to reduce pollution. This could include actions such as reducing energy consumption, using public transportation, or recycling. By making small changes to their daily lives, individuals can contribute to reducing pollution levels.

On the other hand, others argue that governments should be primarily responsible for reducing pollution. This could include implementing laws and regulations to limit pollution from industries, investing in clean energy sources, and promoting sustainable practices. Governments also have the resources and authority to enforce these policies and make a significant impact on pollution levels.

In my opinion, both individuals and governments have a role to play in reducing pollution. While individuals can make changes to reduce their own impact on pollution, governments need to establish policies that will address pollution on a larger scale. It is important for governments to implement regulations and laws that limit pollution from industries and promote sustainable practices. Additionally, governments should also provide education and resources for individuals to reduce their own impact on pollution.

Ultimately, reducing pollution is a shared responsibility. Both individuals and governments must take action in order to make progress in reducing pollution and creating a cleaner and more sustainable future.